Darryl W Bullock Pride, Pop And Politics (BOK)

Darryl W Bullock

Pride, Pop And Politics (BOK)

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Pride, Pop And Politics: Music, Theatre And LGBT Activism, 1970-2022 (BOK)


Author of the Penderyn Prize-winning The Velvet MafiaFifty years on from Britain's first Pride march, the long road to LGBT equality continues. Through protest songs and gay club nights, street theatre activism and fundraising concerts, the performing arts have played an influential role in each great stride made. With new interviews with musicians and DJs, performers and activists, including Andy Bell, Jayne County, John Grant, Horse McDonald and Peter Tachell, Pride, Pop and Politics hears from those whose art has been influenced by the campaign for LGBT rights - and helped push it forward. This informative, eye-opening book is the first to focus on the relationship between gay nightlife and political activism in Britain.

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Varenummer 9781913172213


Format Bøker
Produsent Omnibus Press
Hovedgenre Bøker
Genre Bok
Produkttype Bøker

Titler Med Samme Artist
Darryl W. Bullock Queer Blues (BOK)
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