Diverse Rock Atlas USA (BOK)


Rock Atlas USA (BOK)

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Rock Atalas USA: The Musical Landscape Of America (BOK)


Rock Atlas is more than just a guide to 650 music locations across the USA. You can visit many of the places by following the books detailed instructions or simply just enjoy reading the fascinating fact-filled stories behind each entry. Seek out the quirky record stores, find the iconic recording studios, make a pilgrimage to the memorials and statues, check out the best festivals and visit the exact spot where your favourite album cover was photographed.


Rock Atlas USA will be your guide. Providing a different insight into musicians' lives and songs through the places linked to them, Rock Atlas USA includes stories featuring artists as diverse as The Beatles, Lady Gaga, Muddy Waters, Bruce Springsteen, Kings of Leon, and Otis Redding. Illustrated with hundreds of rare, unseen, and iconic colour and black and white photographs, Rock Atlas USA is a must for anyone with an emotional tie to contemporary music and the important places associated with it.

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Varenummer 9781905959976


Format Bøker
Produsent Red Planet Publishing Ltd
Hovedgenre Bøker
  • Paperback
  • Bok
Produkttype Bøker

Titler Med Samme Artist
Diverse Rock Atlas UK & Ireland (BOK)
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