Franz Nicolay Band People (BOK)

Franz Nicolay

Band People (BOK)

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Band People: Life And Work In Popular Music (BOK)


A close look at the lives of working musicians who aren’t the center of their stage. Secret (and not-so-secret) weapons, side-of-the-stagers, rhythm and horn sections, backup singers, accompanists—these and other “band people” are the anonymous but irreplaceable character actors of popular music. Through interviews and incisive cultural critique, writer and musician Franz Nicolay provides a portrait of the musical middle class.


Artists talk frankly about their careers and attitudes toward their craft, work environment, and group dynamics, and shed light on how support musicians make sense of the weird combination of friend group, gang, small business consortium, long-term creative collaboration, and chosen family that constitutes a band. Is it more important to be a good hang or a virtuoso player? Do bands work best as democracies or autocracies? How do musicians with children balance their personal and professional lives? How much money is too little? And how does it feel to play on hundreds of records, with none released under your name? In exploring these and other questions, Band People gives voice to those who collaborate to create and dissects what it means to be a laborer in the culture industry.

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Varenummer 9781477323533


Format Bøker
Produsent University of Texas Press
Hovedgenre Bøker
  • Hardback
  • Bok
Produkttype Bøker

Titler Med Samme Artist
Franz Nicolay To Us, The Beautiful! (LP)
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